#Flashback: Officially Married For 10 Weeks! Woohoo!

Thinking back to that blessed day I was legally, officially and happily taken off the market! 10 weeks ago! ❤ It almost seems like it was all so quick that day, but I know it wasn’t. So much happened and I was happier than ever. It started with the legal paperwork and the not-so-glamorous stuff….

Novuskin Las Vegas

Before my surgery, I became more dedicated and a firm believer in making sure you nurture yourself inside out. Time off, doing things that make you happy, feeling rejuvenated, relaxing your body and mind – all of this I believe is so important for your body, mind and soul. I had the wonderful opportunity to…

August 16th 2019 | A Very Big Day

August 16th 2019 | A Very Big Day I know I haven’t blogged in a little while. I wasn’t sure if I should post this. I know social media is often used to show the highlights of one’s life, but I use it to remember the journey of my life. A year ago I would…