A place for lifestyle inspiration focusing on ambition, positivity, and developing an overall healthy lifestyle – tips, thoughts and experiences from my life and career. Aspiring to inspire people who need a little push of positivity to walk through life one stiletto heel at a time! ❤

Mindset Shifts That Can Change Your Life

If you keep going on the same path you may have been on that’s led you to no success, you’ll see no changes. In my opinion, to see success in things, it needs to start from your mindset FIRST! These mindset shifts have changed things in my life permanently and I know others who’ve seen…

Free 30 Min Morning Routine Checklist!

Creating a solid morning routine has been proven to boost your energy levels, reduces stress and improve productivity amongst other benefits! Set a positive, productive tone for your day by starting your morning off right! Here’s a helpful checklist to have a good morning routine. Hope this helps you kick off your day right! Enjoy!…

7 Ways to Elevate Your Home

If you know me, you know I LOVE decorating, organizing and creating a lovely, cozy home! I do a number of things to achieve this and I’m sharing 7 here today! These are a few simple ways to elevate your home at a lower cost. Declutter! Free and effective. Organizing a space or clearing off…

3 Ingredient Cozy Dinner

It’s been rainy and cold where we live. Perfect weather for a cozy dinner. Try this recipe next time you want a quick, cozy night-in dinner! Here’s how I made it: Slice up the sausage and sauté in a deep pan/pot (I added the extra 1st step of sautéing diced onions but you don’t have…

#Momlife: 15 Mom Hacks

I’ve compiled a list on my phone of each time I do something that helps me as a Mama. I’m busy all the time – Mom life, wife duties, dog mom life, taking care of the house, being a daughter, a sister, friend and, of course, working on my own goals and being a Mompreneur….


Happy New Year! I’ve created this 30 day challenge calendar for anyone who wants to participate! Just print it out, screenshot it or save the pic to your phone. It’s free! 🙂 Here are some everyday, manageable things you can do to elevate your life and start the new year off right! I’ll be doing…

Low Carb Grilled Chicken Tacos with Jicama Wraps!

I’ve gotten pretty good at creating some #MomLife go-tos. This recipe is not only delish, but it’s quick, easy and a healthier option too! Try one of my recent go-tos for those nights where you need to throw together a quick but healthy meal for you or you & your family. You’re gonna want to…

Productivity vs. Being Busy | Tips on Being Productive

There’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Simply put, being busy tends to be more frantic. Being productive is being more focused and actually accomplishing tasks and goals. In the mindset of working more and harder aka being busy, you can end up getting too flustered, stressed and accomplishing little to nothing. Not…

A Look Back at Our Wedding Ceremony + 5 Ways to Make Yours Memorable

I never get tired of reliving our wedding day! With just 4 months of planning, I was able to create a magical and very memorable wedding ceremony. Our big day went almost exactly as planned (almost haha) and it was perfect! Here’s a look back at our ceremony (wedding reception details to come later! :D)…

Quick & Easy Tostadas

If you’re in the mood for Mexican food, but need to whip up something quick, tasty, filling and satisfying, try these Tostadas I make! The list of ingredients is cheap, preparation is fast and they’re so yummy! This would be perfect for moms who don’t have too much time to make lunch or dinner or…

Holiday Gift Guide

With Black Friday and the holidays coming up I wanted to share some great options for anyone looking for gift ideas! These items I currently have and use myself or have gifted to others and they love ’em! For some of these options I have discount codes for you! Hopefully these ideas help! Happy Holidays…

Quarantine Must-Haves | My Quarantine Favorites

Year 2020 = Quarantine = Our New Normal. Things have been so crazy, so restricted, so different. But, at the moment, this is our new normal. To make it more comfortable, I make sure to enjoy some of my favorite things. A few of these have been favorites from before the pandemic and some have…

My Mehndi Night | Mehndi Party Ideas

Tyee and I had our dream wedding in Newport Beach, CA. The whole weekend we combined our cultures and celebrated our unity and love. Traditionally, bridal Mehndi (henna) is done a few days before the wedding day, but because almost all of our guests (and our entire wedding party) were flying in from out of…

9 Ways to Instantly Look Better & More Attractive

Hey Everyone! Here are some quick ways to instantly look better and more attractive. Some of these we may not think even make a difference, but studies have shown they actually do make a significant impact on how attractive we come off to people! * Definition of Attractive: pleasing or appealing to the senses. The…

8 Mood Boosters for When You’re Having a Bad Day

Here are some of the things I do when I’m a little down to help get me back up. Sometimes just one of these will do the trick! Other times I need a combination of a couple to lift my mood. Either way, I hope these are useful to anyone needing a pick-me-up. Just remember…

7 Hosting Hacks For On The Red Carpet

One of my jobs in the Entertainment Industry has been Red Carpet Hosting. Interviewing celebrities on the red carpet is fun and exciting, but if you’re new to it or anxious it can be overwhelming and nerve-wracking. I’ve hosted for many different TV channels and shows at a number of events and red carpets openings….

5 Great Reasons To Walk

I love going for walks! I go for a walk everyday either with my husband, our dog (or both) or by myself. There are so many reasons why one should take up walking and there are so many benefits! Here are 5 great reasons to walk – and hey, we’re all in quarantine right now…

#Flashback: Officially Married For 10 Weeks! Woohoo!

Thinking back to that blessed day I was legally, officially and happily taken off the market! 10 weeks ago! ❤ It almost seems like it was all so quick that day, but I know it wasn’t. So much happened and I was happier than ever. It started with the legal paperwork and the not-so-glamorous stuff….

10 Things I’m Doing During Quarantine

Times are crazy right now! Aside from the obvious of washing my hands properly, social distancing, and disinfecting everything, I thought I’d list some things that I’m doing during this time of quarantine. What are you guys doing these days at home?! Movies & Catching Up on Shows Tyee and I are enjoying watching a…