10 Things I’m Doing During Quarantine

Times are crazy right now! Aside from the obvious of washing my hands properly, social distancing, and disinfecting everything, I thought I’d list some things that I’m doing during this time of quarantine. What are you guys doing these days at home?! Movies & Catching Up on Shows Tyee and I are enjoying watching a…

5 Things I Do To Help Me Meditate

At one point I was curious about meditation. Then I became interested. Over the past number of years it has become something I practice on and off quite often and something I always recommend to others. Meditation has helped me time and time again. If you are interested in making meditation a part of your…


Hello All! I will be starting a “series” called #MotivationalMondays where I post an inspirational/motivational quote to help you catwalk through your Monday 😉 and start your week on a good note. Today’s #MotivationalMonday is inspired from one of my big bro’s achievements today ❤ Stay tuned for other #MotivationalMondays! “Working towards your dream is…

7 Tips to Mastering Your Morning!

Want to start your day off right!? Check out how I master my morning! ❤ 7 Tips to Mastering Your Morning! Wake Up Early.  To have a productive morning, first and foremost, you must wake up… in the morning! — haha. They say the most successful people wake up anywhere from 4:00 am to 6:00 am. You definitely get…