Productivity vs. Being Busy | Tips on Being Productive

There’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Simply put, being busy tends to be more frantic. Being productive is being more focused and actually accomplishing tasks and goals. In the mindset of working more and harder aka being busy, you can end up getting too flustered, stressed and accomplishing little to nothing. Not…

9 Ways to Instantly Look Better & More Attractive

Hey Everyone! Here are some quick ways to instantly look better and more attractive. Some of these we may not think even make a difference, but studies have shown they actually do make a significant impact on how attractive we come off to people! * Definition of Attractive: pleasing or appealing to the senses. The…

8 Mood Boosters for When You’re Having a Bad Day

Here are some of the things I do when I’m a little down to help get me back up. Sometimes just one of these will do the trick! Other times I need a combination of a couple to lift my mood. Either way, I hope these are useful to anyone needing a pick-me-up. Just remember…