Mindset Shifts That Can Change Your Life

If you keep going on the same path you may have been on that’s led you to no success, you’ll see no changes. In my opinion, to see success in things, it needs to start from your mindset FIRST! These mindset shifts have changed things in my life permanently and I know others who’ve seen…

Free 30 Min Morning Routine Checklist!

Creating a solid morning routine has been proven to boost your energy levels, reduces stress and improve productivity amongst other benefits! Set a positive, productive tone for your day by starting your morning off right! Here’s a helpful checklist to have a good morning routine. Hope this helps you kick off your day right! Enjoy!…

7 Ways to Elevate Your Home

If you know me, you know I LOVE decorating, organizing and creating a lovely, cozy home! I do a number of things to achieve this and I’m sharing 7 here today! These are a few simple ways to elevate your home at a lower cost. Declutter! Free and effective. Organizing a space or clearing off…


Happy New Year! I’ve created this 30 day challenge calendar for anyone who wants to participate! Just print it out, screenshot it or save the pic to your phone. It’s free! 🙂 Here are some everyday, manageable things you can do to elevate your life and start the new year off right! I’ll be doing…

Quick & Easy Tostadas

If you’re in the mood for Mexican food, but need to whip up something quick, tasty, filling and satisfying, try these Tostadas I make! The list of ingredients is cheap, preparation is fast and they’re so yummy! This would be perfect for moms who don’t have too much time to make lunch or dinner or…

Quarantine Must-Haves | My Quarantine Favorites

Year 2020 = Quarantine = Our New Normal. Things have been so crazy, so restricted, so different. But, at the moment, this is our new normal. To make it more comfortable, I make sure to enjoy some of my favorite things. A few of these have been favorites from before the pandemic and some have…

9 Ways to Instantly Look Better & More Attractive

Hey Everyone! Here are some quick ways to instantly look better and more attractive. Some of these we may not think even make a difference, but studies have shown they actually do make a significant impact on how attractive we come off to people! * Definition of Attractive: pleasing or appealing to the senses. The…

8 Mood Boosters for When You’re Having a Bad Day

Here are some of the things I do when I’m a little down to help get me back up. Sometimes just one of these will do the trick! Other times I need a combination of a couple to lift my mood. Either way, I hope these are useful to anyone needing a pick-me-up. Just remember…

7 Hosting Hacks For On The Red Carpet

One of my jobs in the Entertainment Industry has been Red Carpet Hosting. Interviewing celebrities on the red carpet is fun and exciting, but if you’re new to it or anxious it can be overwhelming and nerve-wracking. I’ve hosted for many different TV channels and shows at a number of events and red carpets openings….

5 Great Reasons To Walk

I love going for walks! I go for a walk everyday either with my husband, our dog (or both) or by myself. There are so many reasons why one should take up walking and there are so many benefits! Here are 5 great reasons to walk – and hey, we’re all in quarantine right now…

Wedding Hacks For The Bride On A Budget

As you know, I’m planning my wedding (it’s in less than 2 months!!). There’s so much to do in a day, all the financial stuff, budgets, timelines, pressure, responsibilities – planning your wedding yourself can be very tough and overwhelming. I’m listing some things I’ve done and kept in mind for my own wedding hoping…

I’m Back! Recap, Goals & Catching Up 🙂

I know I haven’t posted in a while – it’s always in the back of my mind. I got stuck in the grind of everyday life and have been realizing I still need to carve out time to do what I enjoy! *important lesson* As you also may know now, I am getting married! 🙂 So,…

#BasicWitches Series: 5 Fall Time Favorites From Trader Joe’s 

#BasicWitches Series I always love Fall Time, the start of the holiday season and all the fun Fall themed things that come out in stores this time of year! Being a regular Trader Joe’s shopper, I enjoy all their lovely holiday specials! Here are 5 of my current Fall favorites from Trader Joe’s 🙂 Spiced…

Novuskin Las Vegas

Before my surgery, I became more dedicated and a firm believer in making sure you nurture yourself inside out. Time off, doing things that make you happy, feeling rejuvenated, relaxing your body and mind – all of this I believe is so important for your body, mind and soul. I had the wonderful opportunity to…


#BasicWitches It’s October 1st! I love this time of year! Preparing for the holidays, sweater weather, fun decorations and all the lovely festivities. I’m starting a new series – #BasicWitches! Every week I’ll be putting up a blog post ( or two 🙂 ) completely Fall inspired! The #BasicWitches blog posts will be about everything…

12 Amazon Buys That You’ll Love and Will Make Your Life Easier

I love looking up “Best Purchases on Amazon” lists or “Amazon Favorites” lists. I find them very helpful. I order from Amazon all the time (sometimes too much!). Maybe some of these items you might like or might benefit you. So here are 12 of my recent favorites that I’ve ordered from Amazon 🙂 WOMEN’S…

August 16th 2019 | A Very Big Day

August 16th 2019 | A Very Big Day I know I haven’t blogged in a little while. I wasn’t sure if I should post this. I know social media is often used to show the highlights of one’s life, but I use it to remember the journey of my life. A year ago I would…


I remember reading this quote on a post-it somewhere many years ago. I still think back to it sometimes. It’s definitely a great reminder 🙂 “Ships don’t sink because of water around them. Ships sink because of water in them. ~~~ Don’t let what happens around you get inside of you and weigh you down.”


Happy Monday! Here is today’s #MotivationalMonday quote. Wishing everyone a great week! “YOU HAVE A CHOICE each and every day. I choose to feel blessed. I choose to feel grateful. I choose to be excited. I choose to be thankful. I choose to be happy.” ~ Amber Housley