Mindset Shifts That Can Change Your Life

If you keep going on the same path you may have been on that’s led you to no success, you’ll see no changes. In my opinion, to see success in things, it needs to start from your mindset FIRST! These mindset shifts have changed things in my life permanently and I know others who’ve seen success by applying them to their lives. Implement these into your daily life and see the changes!

Do it even when you don’t feel like it

Using your own best judgement of course – this doesn’t apply to everything in life. But, let’s talk about working out, taking care of the dishes, paying that bill or making that phone call you need to make.. Think about the saying “a body in motion stays in motion” – once you start to tackle whatever it is that needs to get done you’re one step closer to being done with it! It’s been said that in many cases, once you start on a project and get to the 5-minute mark, you more than likely will just continue on and try to complete what you’ve started. Truth is, often times, you’ll not really feel like doing that task. But if you start and focus on getting ahead your future self will thank you for it!

Exercising Isn’t Just For Looking a Certain Way

Speaking of not being motivated to do something… many times that something is working out! And, when you’re not feeling like it, the thought of only doing it to look a certain way may not be the greatest motivation in that moment. You need to sometimes have a reason deeper than that. Try this – when I work out I think about how it to live longer and live healthier. It’s to have a healthy heart, healthy bones, brain, organs and to help have a healthy mindset. Exercising will help make you physically and mentally stronger and you’ll have more ability to do things. For me, as a toddler mom, I need to keep up with my little one. I want to always have the ability to play with her, jump, jog, pick her up, dance about and so much more WITH EASE. To my postpartum moms, postpartum life, and life as a mother just in general, demands a lot from your body. Exercising can make you more capable to achieve so much of what you want to do.

Allow Yourself To Think Bigger

Manifest bigger things for yourself by thinking bigger! The word “manifest” simply means making your goals into reality. It’s not as woo woo as one may think or as you hear it to be these days. It’s simple. Look the word up in the dictionary. I saw another definition for “manifest” the other day in a video and it was explained in an awesome way: the idea of manifesting is losing the idea that you’re stuck with what you’ve got. That life is predetermined. And instead, it challenges you to change your own personal thinking, to push the envelope on what you can succeed in, and believe you CAN succeed beyond what you originally thought! If you set small, achievable goals for yourself, that’s great that you’re able to get things done. But, if you’re setting small, achievable goals for yourself because you’re afraid of thinking bigger and possibly failing, then you’re just limiting yourself. Believe you can achieve more. Think bigger and take the first step… then the next.. and the next! But start allowing yourself to think bigger.

Being Disciplined Can Change Your Life

If you’re someone who’s often overwhelmed by life and you want to accomplish things but don’t know where to start, developing self-discipline can help put you in control and take back the power. No one is born with discipline. It’s a learned behavior. It takes practice. It’s something you can get better and better at. Don’t give up if there are times when you don’t feel up to whatever your disciplining yourself on. Push yourself to continue. It’s part of training yourself to be better.

Don’t Take Things Personally

This one is easier said than done, I know, but it is definitely beneficial to apply to your life. There’s a famous quote: “we don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” People see you through their own lens of their own lives. Which could be completely different than your lens. So many things in our individual lives shape our frame of reference. And with that frame of reference is what we view other people and situations with. So often people’s judgements of you or their actions toward you say more about them as a person than you! Many times you will see people pass judgement on others when THEY are the ones insecure about something within themselves. You should even remember this about yourself. Next time you pass judgement about someone and doing it in a negative way, ask yourself, “Why is it that I’m thinking or saying this about them?”

So just remember, a lot of the time when people do or say certain things to others, it shows you a lot about that person vs you. And this should help you in life not take things personally.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Connect with Catwalk Through Life on Instagram @catwalkthroughlife ❤

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