7 Ways to Elevate Your Home

If you know me, you know I LOVE decorating, organizing and creating a lovely, cozy home! I do a number of things to achieve this and I’m sharing 7 here today! These are a few simple ways to elevate your home at a lower cost.


Free and effective. Organizing a space or clearing off your counters can do magic in creating a beautiful, put-together home. Clutter brings down a home immediately and is also bad for your mental health! Places where cluttered counter tops are more noticeable are bathrooms and kitchens. Clear off these surfaces and you’ll see it will instantly lift the look of that entire room. Declutter other areas in your home that have just become “dumping grounds” and your home will not only look more spacious but it will also look more expensive!

Hide Your Wires

Exposed wires just end up making a place look less put-together. You can find many wire hiding tools and boxes etc on Amazon that suit your needs. Hiding exposed wires, whether they’re on your wall, behind your couch, under a table – anywhere, will result in elevating your home instantly!

Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers in your home will elevate your home in many ways. First, it’s pleasing to the eye. Second, it’s proven to be good for your mind. Third, they smell lovely! And they add a fresh, beautiful touch to a room. I love grabbing flowers from Trader Joe’s. I go there often enough, and they have a pretty selection that is very inexpensive! I just bought a bouquet of coral pink roses for $5 and got some baby’s breath for like $3? Maybe even less! Either way, super affordable and very pretty.

Beautiful flowers I got from Trader Joe’s. Made it into a nice arrangement at home.
Neutral color palette

Neutral color palettes for your home/rooms will automatically make it look more high-end. It will also give you the flexibility to add in different pops of color and textures through rugs, decor pieces, furniture etc. These color palettes make your home look new and fresh and is considered a timeless style.

Here’s a nice example of using neutrals but also adding a touch of color and textures.

Beautiful scent!

On the topic of smelling good, one MUST for me is always to have a beautiful smelling home! Something fresh, lovely, not overbearing, welcoming, cozy. This will definitely elevate your home. A great smelling home will make people want to be there more as well! There are many ways to achieve this, so you do whichever way you’re comfortable with, but it is something that can play a part in making a house into a home!

Replace your light fixtures

Do you have dated, not aesthetically pleasing light fixtures in your home bringing down the vibe of the room? Change ’em out! This doesn’t have to be very expensive. Especially, if you or someone you know can do the labor. You can find affordable light fixtures at many home stores including Home Depot. I have seen some trendy, timeless and expensive looking light fixtures at Home Depot for way cheaper than you’d think! Changing these out will instantly update your home.


I love using baskets. Especially as a mom! In the living room, instead of having different colored boxes for my daughter’s toys or letting be gathered in the corner or spread all over.. I use a nice, round, wicker basket! When she’s not playing with them they go in the basket neatly. I have another basket for throw blankets. Same goes for her room. I have some baskets that match with the decor in that room and one is used for stuffed animals, a couple smaller ones are used for books (she has a lot of books) and then I have some others that hold her throw blankets and pillows. I have some kind of basket in just about every room for some need or another. They are very useful, help keep an area clear and look nice and cozy. I definitely recommend baskets!

I hope you enjoyed these ways to elevate your home and they help you create a beautiful, cozy space to live in ❤

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