Low Carb Grilled Chicken Tacos with Jicama Wraps!

I’ve gotten pretty good at creating some #MomLife go-tos. This recipe is not only delish, but it’s quick, easy and a healthier option too! Try one of my recent go-tos for those nights where you need to throw together a quick but healthy meal for you or you & your family. You’re gonna want to make this over and over!


For Chicken

  • Chicken Breast
  • Taco Seasoning

*** Tip – Many times I have bought the grilled chicken strips from Trader Joe’s. They’re fully cooked; you just heat and serve however you like. Saves a lot of time. Being a mom, I am very busy all the time. Taking care of the baby family, the house, tasks.. there’s never enough time in a day haha. So speeding up things or hacks to make my life easier is always great!

For the Salsa

  • Cubed Pineapple (you can do fresh, canned or chopped – whatever floats your boat! I have done fresh and chopped)
  • Diced Jalapeños (I used the sweet & spicy ones in a jar from Trader Joe’s. Great flavor.)
  • Diced Onions
  • Fresh Chopped Cilantro
  • Salt (your desired amount)
  • Half of a Lemon


Cook chicken all the way through and add taco seasoning. If using already cooked chicken strips, heat in frying pan for a few minutes and add seasoning. I cook this in olive oil. While this is cooking on the stove, in a mixing bowl, add pineapple, jalapeños, salt and lemon juice. I eyeball these ingredients and the measurements, adjusting where I want more of less. Once chicken is ready and I’m happy with the salsa mixture, I stack two jicama wraps and arrange the meat, then top with my salsa. I garnish each taco with chopped fresh cilantro (love this smell!).

And that’s it! Simple! It’s sooo good! I think I might make these once a week. I love them that much!

Try it out and let me know how you like them 🙂

Bon Appétit!

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