Productivity vs. Being Busy | Tips on Being Productive

There’s a difference between being busy and being productive. Simply put, being busy tends to be more frantic. Being productive is being more focused and actually accomplishing tasks and goals. In the mindset of working more and harder aka being busy, you can end up getting too flustered, stressed and accomplishing little to nothing. Not what you want when you need to get things done right? Being productive is about working smarter. Here are some ways I remain productive 🙂

  • Plan Your Day The Night Before
    • Write down a to do list for the next day.
    • Time block you day’s plans and tasks (I love doing this – now having a baby my schedule revolves around her and she calls the shots, so time blocking is not a option these days. But when I’d do this it definitely helped me cross off tasks left and right!)
    • Google Calendar – this is one of the places I write down my reminders, events, tasks, bills due, etc for all across the month. There are other calendar apps but this is one I personally use.
    • Take out necessary materials needed for the next day the night before. For example, if you have an appointment to get to the following day and you need certain paperwork, have it out ready to go. If you have to go do an Amazon return, have it all packaged up by the front door so everything is set and ready to go.
  • Have Time In The Morning Alone
    • Have some alone time so you can organize your thoughts and tasks.
    • This is the time you can maybe have a cup of coffee, a nice hardy breakfast, workout, etc.
    • Have a bit of time in the beginning of your day that is slower paced before you go, go, go!
  • Match Goals With Actions Or A System
    • Don’t just write things down as goals, do them! Write down what steps you have to take to accomplish them.
    • Create your plan of attack to getting those goals done by jotting down actions you need to take or creating a system that with knock that goal out.
  • Master List / Brain Dump
    • Write it all down, everything on your mind that you need to do, so you can see it. Then it’s out of your head and on paper. This can be very powerful! You’ll be surprised what all you remember you need to do!
    • Then you can prioritize what tasks need to be accomplished in what order.
  • Have An Organized Space To Work In
    • It’s scientifically proven that one can get more accomplished in a clear (decluttered), organized space that’s clean vs a messy/dirty environment.
    • Have things in the right place so that nothing gets in your way of doing your work.
    • Clear work space mean free flowing good energy.
    • Organized areas help your brain to function better.
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Say No
    • Remember, you don’t always have to be a people-pleaser.
    • If you really want to get things done, say no. You can’t always accommodate everyone else AND get all of what you need to get done at the same time.
    • Saying no to others when it’s not that important (you be the judge of what’s important and what’s not, but be real with yourself) means more time for you to get things done in your own world.

** Extra tip: Try to get some good sleep the night before! This is not possible for all of us – trust me, I know. But, if you have the opportunity to and you know you have a lot to do the next day, try to get to bed earlier and get some good rest.

Hopefully, these tips can be of some help to those that need it! Let’s go get things done!

See you in my next post! ❤

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