9 Ways to Instantly Look Better & More Attractive

Hey Everyone! Here are some quick ways to instantly look better and more attractive. Some of these we may not think even make a difference, but studies have shown they actually do make a significant impact on how attractive we come off to people!

* Definition of Attractive: pleasing or appealing to the senses.

The following tips are not only applicable to just women or only to impress your crush! You can use these simple ways everyday to be an overall more attractive person and to have a better persona!


Smiling makes you look happier and healthier! A smile can make you look warmer, attractive and personable. Researchers have found that someone who’s resting face is more positive and cheerful were perceived to have better overall health vs the people who’s resting face looked miserable. If you want people to view you as having a glowing personality having a “resting b*tch face” may not be the best idea. Everyone looks better with a smile! πŸ˜€


Try this one in the mirror – stand to the side hunched over with poor posture. Check out how you look. Then, compare that to standing tall, your head above your shoulders and the top of your shoulders over your hips practicing proper posture. Look at the difference! Good posture, standing or sitting, will instantly make you look better, more in shape and more attractive!

Eye Contact

When talking to someone, if you have good eye contact (don’t over do it… you could look creepy) this shows confidence, respect and good social communication. These traits are important when engaging in conversation with people. People subconsciously will want to talk to you more rather than the person who doesn’t look at them when they’re talking.

A Confident Walk

Your walk is often times one of the first things people will notice about you. It can tell allot about you. Having a confident walk definitely looks better than dragging your feet, slouching while walking, or hanging your head down.. Those are not attractive and don’t let someone know you’re a confident person. Confidence is attractive. So get that catwalk down! πŸ˜‰

Fun (And Important) Fact: Having a confident walk is also good from a safety standpoint. *Predators, when targeting someone, will look for those that don’t have confident walks. Studies show that they find these people as easier targets.

Smell Good

Smell is a very important sense and is closely linked to parts of the brain that process memory and emotion. Have you ever smelled a scent that triggered a memory and then somehow you could clearly feel the emotions and feelings you felt during that time? It’s like a trance! Smell is powerful! Having a nice scent (and not too overpowering) can definitely leave a great impression on someone, can make people want to be around you more, and can leave a lasting memory in their mind. Unfortunately, bad smells also leave lasting memories… negative ones. So don’t smell bad. Smell good! πŸ˜€

Don’t Be A Gossiper

Gossiping and talking bad about people behind their backs doesn’t look good on anyone. Have you ever met someone who looked pretty attractive, but then once they started talking all they said were negative things, rumors, gossip or were rude… and then suddenly they weren’t as good-looking or attractive anymore? Sometimes people may try to feel “cool” by doing this or try to be part of a “clique” that gossips, but talking bad about people for no reason, making up things, and being a gossiper is not an attractive quality. Be better than that! Instead, lift people up (in front of them or when they’re not around), be welcoming and include people, don’t be a gossiper. People will look at you as a better person this way! πŸ™‚

Hand on Hip

When you’re taking a photo a quick way to look like a pro, look more poised, and help your arms appear slimmer is to place your hand on your hip, bending your elbow. I’m sure you’ve seen all the Victoria’s Secret models do this too as they walk down the ramp at their fashion shows. It’s definitely a great pose to hit when in front of a camera and sometimes looks better than just hanging your arm down. However, if a man is wanting to look more masculine I don’t suggest this pose πŸ˜‰


This tip involves makeup. Even on the days you don’t want to do much makeup, if you enhance your lashes and add some mascara it can certainly brighten up your face helping you look more awake. A little mascara can add a subtle touch of beauty and you don’t have to be all done up for it.

Sharpen Your Jawline

On the topic of makeup, this tip can also come in handy when you’re getting ready. For those that wear makeup, when you’re applying bronzer try shading some right under your jawline – this helps enhance your bone structure creating the appearance of a sharper jawline. Also, don’t forget to apply some bronzer under your chin above your neck area, where you’d get a double chin – this will help give a shadow to that area hiding the appearance of a double chin πŸ™‚

Hope you enjoyed this post and are excited to apply these to your everyday life! ❀

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