8 Mood Boosters for When You’re Having a Bad Day

Down in the dumps? Hopefully these tips can help!

Here are some of the things I do when I’m a little down to help get me back up. Sometimes just one of these will do the trick! Other times I need a combination of a couple to lift my mood. Either way, I hope these are useful to anyone needing a pick-me-up. Just remember that it’s all temporary. You may not know when exactly you’ll feel better – it could be a few hours, couple days, or longer – but if you remember that it’s temporary and you WILL feel better than it might help you through your day(s). It’s important to practice healthy lifestyle choices even when you’re down to help you get through it all!

Listen to Upbeat, Happy Music

Music is proven to influence mood. Knowing this if you’re sad or upset, stay away from music that’ll make you feel worse or bring up upsetting thoughts/memories. Instead, turn on something happy! Something upbeat to help pick up your mood.

Clean, Organize, or Decorate the Space Around You

The space you live in can help shift your mood (in a good or bad way). Having an organized, clean, clutter-free space allows good energy to flow freely and will help you towards a more positive mood. I love doing this – especially decorating! But I won’t decorate an area unless it’s clean and organized first. I also love making my home spell lovely! This creates a good, positive energy in the space around you. According to Feng Shui, letting in natural light, de-cluttering, and adding plants and artwork in your home are just a few of many ways to have great energy in your home.

Cook Something

Cooking something you like or trying out a new recipe can be fun, can be delicious and can also help you focus on something other than whatever is getting you down. You’re channeling your energy in on creating something else. It can work as a good distraction for a while.

Go For a Walk With Only Positive Thoughts

Going for walks regularly is so beneficial in so many ways (I have another blog post on 5 Great Reasons to Walk). If you go for a walk to help your mood on a bad day, make sure to focus on the positive things you still have going for ya. You don’t want to use this time to dwell on the negative things that are already getting you down. The combination of walking outside in the fresh air (and hopefully some nature) and thinking of what you’re currently grateful for in life can help bring you to a happier place.

Watch a Funny Movie or Show

Laughing is therapy. If you’re down, you can use a good laugh. Put on something you know will make you laugh more than just one time. A funny movie or show is a nice break from being sad or upset.

Side note: Did you know that there is actually a therapy called Laugh Therapy? It’s a type of therapy that uses humor to relieve pain, stress, and helps a person’s sense of well-being. This should show you that laughing can help! 😀

Call Someone You Know Will Lift Your Spirits

If you know someone that always puts you in a better mood, lifts your spirits and makes you happy, call them! You don’t even have to call them to talk about what’s wrong. Just call to have a nice conversation. Most often, you’ll talk about something that distracts you, you’ll probably laugh, and at the end of it, you’d have just enjoyed talking to that person that makes you happy.

Do Something Nice For Someone Else

This can sometimes work like magic! Many times, when you’re down yourself and you help someone else who needs it, somehow you feel allot better! The ways you help someone else can vary but if you put in a little effort to do something nice for someone that needs it those actions can be so powerful that they help lift your own mood just by doing them!

Workout and Eat/Drink Healthy

Exercise is a proven mood booster because when you’re moving your body and getting good blood circulation you release endorphins that fight stress. While working out, neurotransmitters like serotonin help teach your body how to respond to stress better. So ultimately, you feel in a better mood afterwards.

If you put junk food into your body, you’ll most likely feel like junk – it’s simple. Consuming healthier options for food and drink and having proper nutrients flow throughout your system, in turn, will help you feel better inside out and won’t add sluggishness to your, already bad, mood. And plus, knowing that you’re doing something good for your body, that itself can just make you feel a little better! 😉

Hopefully, you get some benefit out of these 8 tips! Wishing everyone a happy Wednesday, a happy week and a happy and healthy quarantine!

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