5 Great Reasons To Walk

I love going for walks! I go for a walk everyday either with my husband, our dog (or both) or by myself. There are so many reasons why one should take up walking and there are so many benefits! Here are 5 great reasons to walk – and hey, we’re all in quarantine right now so why not start now! πŸ™‚

From one of my walks in the morning.

For Better Health

Walking has allot of heath benefits – good cardio, reduces fat, reduces risk of heart disease and stroke, stronger bones, joints and muscles, good for diabetes and much more! If making walking a habit brings you all of these health benefits plus more why wouldn’t you want to do it?

You Can Do It Alone or With Others

You don’t need a partner to walk. Sometimes walking alone is what one needs to think over things, relax the mind, put things into perspective, have some peace and quiet, and enjoy some alone time with nature and the views around them. If you choose to walk with someone it’s great too because you get to enjoy their company, conversation and get to catch up. And then there’s always walking with your doggy πŸ™‚ This way you and your pet get the benefits of walking together! Either way, you can enjoy walking in these different ways.

Helps Improve Mental Health

Going for walks has been proven to help with depression, anxiety and helps lift your mood. The more you walk the more you’ll feel these benefits on your mind.

Beautiful Views

These days we’re all cooped up inside. Sometimes you just need to get out and look at something else besides the inside of your home. The morning sky and evening sky can look like a painting, the trees around the park and the mountains in the distance can look amazingly beautiful, sometimes you can catch some wonderful views – that is if you get outside πŸ™‚

It’s Free

No gym membership or annual fees needed here guys! Walking is free!

❀ Personal Note: When I had major surgery last year, for quite some time I could not walk. Even when I was able to again, I could not do more than slow baby steps while being helped by my husband. It was awful and painful, but it made me realize how immensely grateful I was to have two legs for walking. And even through the struggle of getting back to normal, I realized I had a new found appreciation for certain things in life that many take for granted – like having the ability to walk – or the scent of fresh air. *** Combine the two and you have taking walks outside! πŸ˜€

Now go get your catwalk on! πŸ˜‰

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Kelly Martin says:

    Me and my neighbors try to take at least 2 walks a day, 6 ft apart of course. Working from home can make you feel isolated, so the walks help a lot.


    1. Lol 6ft apart. That’s awesome tho 😊😊


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