#Flashback: Officially Married For 10 Weeks! Woohoo!

Thinking back to that blessed day I was legally, officially and happily taken off the market! 10 weeks ago! ❤

It almost seems like it was all so quick that day, but I know it wasn’t. So much happened and I was happier than ever. It started with the legal paperwork and the not-so-glamorous stuff. Then, we went to the courthouse for civil marriages. It was decorated nicely. Waiting there, you see people whose only marriage/wedding is happening then, that day. Brides are dressed up in a wedding dress appropriate for court, few people with them, excited for their big day.. sometimes we saw some *interesting couples* too. Of course we knew our wedding day was still yet to come in just a few weeks, but this was when we made everything “real” so we were definitely excited!

We had my good friend, Deidra, be our wonderful witness. Along with Deidra came her adorable twin girls, her precious son, and… Khaven! I learned a few months back that Khaven had a little crush on me and naturally did NOT like Tyee lol. When we said “I do” and kissed, boy was he not happy! lol He is the cutest thing ever!

We all went to Starbucks after to celebrate! Where else would we go?! 😀 (everybody that knows me knows I love Starbucks 🙂 , it’s one of Tyee’s and my usual spots, & Deidra loves it too – so it was perfect!) We had so much fun with the kiddos and having our fav fraps. So many laughs and photos.

That whole weekend Tyee and I kept saying we just felt a state of bliss 🙂 We were really excited to get married and we had our dream wedding right around the corner. I’ll never forget the feeling of that weekend ❤

** Fun fact: for a brief moment, we discussed Las Vegas’ famous Drive Thru Wedding XD The moment didn’t last long. Our siblings were trying to tell us that we should grab Taco Bell or McDonalds and take it to our Drive Thru Wedding. Tyee shot the idea down when I jokingly asked him if that’s what he wanted. He also brought up a very good point – what if they accidentally married me off to a cheeseburger O.O

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