10 Things I’m Doing During Quarantine

Times are crazy right now! Aside from the obvious of washing my hands properly, social distancing, and disinfecting everything, I thought I’d list some things that I’m doing during this time of quarantine. What are you guys doing these days at home?!

Movies & Catching Up on Shows

  • Tyee and I are enjoying watching a bunch of movies we’ve been meaning to watch. We also have several shows we watch together throughout the week. Due to life’s routines we were behind on some. It’s been fun having the time scouting out movies we want to watch, watching our regular shows and discovering new ones!

Getting/Keeping Our Home In Order

  • Thoroughly cleaning our home and keeping on top of daily chores and disinfecting.
  • Decluttering and setting aside items to donate or sell
  • Decorating ( always one of my favorites 🙂 )

Drinking More Water

  • With less distractions, I’m making sure I’m getting more water! *Tip: if you drink your water with a straw, you’re more likely to drink more of it and faster!

Eating Healthy & Proper Nutrition

  • As much as sometimes we’d want to eat out sometimes, home cooking is the best and cleanest option. We usually have home cooked food, but now just more of it and we’re making sure we are mixing in healthier options!
  • A service we also enjoy is Freshly. Freshly sends us healthy dinner/lunch options for the days we want to take a break from cooking. Services like Freshly, Hello Fresh or Blue Apron are great for that and you get to eat some delicious meals!
  • Juices. Yesterday I made celery juice with some green apple and lemon. So many health benefits in fresh juices. Mixing fruits and vegetable is my favorite and a great way to boost your immune system.


  • Investing time in good skincare. Taking care of your skin from head to toe is important. For my face, some things I love using are my face brush, masks, face steamer, and jade roller. For my body, some things I love using are essential oils, exfoliators and my favorite body care from Bath and Body Works 🙂
  • Baths/Showers with essential oils & bath salts are a great way to relax. Maybe a massage after? Heaven!
  • Oil Pulling is also something I’ve been making sure to do everyday. Oil Pulling dates back to ancient India and is something you’ll see in Ayurvedic Medicine. I use organic virgin coconut oil with no coconut scent or taste. I oil pull for 10-20 mins while I’m doing other tasks so I don’t even notice the time go by. Oil Pulling is not only so beneficial for your dental hygiene but also for your body’s overall health as many diseases start from the mouth.
  • Taking extra time to invest into your self-care can help put your mind at more peace and assist you in becoming healthier inside out.

Working Out

  • I try to workout in some way every other day on top of walking everyday. With the gyms being closed, allot of people have to now workout at home. Tyee and I usually go for a walk just about everyday. Walking is a great way to just move your body. Walking is said to help depression and it helps with getting cardio in, clearing your mind and getting some fresh air. Other workouts I do usually consist of circuit training (I have some that are my go-to’s, but youtube and instagram have some great videos), cardio on the bike (we have a gym room in our house with some machines, weights and workout equipment, so that’s where I’d ride the exercise bike – you can of course ride an actual bike), stretching, and some workouts with weights.

Reading Books

  • I’ve been getting some reading time in. Reading a book is always a good ideas. Currently, I’m reading a few books about nutrition and some celebrity cookbooks! I love trying out new recipes and learning more ways to have my best health!

Working On The Things I Love

  • Now I have more time to continue working on the things I love, projects I’ve started, and my creative outlets.
  • I’ve been wanting to be more consistent on my blog like I used to be. Definitely will be enjoying that!
  • A project I’ve been working on is my podcast development. Now’s a good time to dedicate more to that!
  • I’ve had some videos I’ve put off making. So I can chip away at those!
  • There are some DIY projects at home that I’ve been wanting to do. Home projects is certainly something I can give more focus to now —- since we’re stuck at home n’ all lol


  • If meditation is foreign to you, it doesn’t have to be you sitting criss cross while chanting Om. Meditation is something I’ve done on and off for a number of years. It’s a good way to slow life down for a moment, accept what’s going on, sit at peace, observe your thoughts and it helps with anxiety if done regularly. I use the app Head Space. It’s a wonderful way to practice guided meditation. I meditate in the mornings for about 10 mins. Try out the app! It’s lovely!

Quality Time

  • Ya got the time now, there’s no excuse! XD Spending some nice quality time with my husband and the girls (our doggies) is something we love! Tyee and I love being in each other’s company and always have a good time. We come up with fun things to do and always make each other laugh.
  • Since I can’t see the rest of my family I reach out to some or all daily. Just to catch up, check in and make sure they’re good. Staying connected to our loved ones is easy and important right now especially.

Don’t Panic & Take Control of What You Can

  • It’s easy to panic or get really stressed out right now. In my opinion, that’s not going to change or do anything but make things worse. The best thing you can do is take one day at a time, stay healthy and have faith ❤ Take control of what you can now; your home, your goals, your mind, stocking up on what you need (times like this could come again in the future, who knows), and take care of each other. Have a little fun while you’re at it! Remember that this is still temporary and that something good can come out of all this chaos. My heart goes out to anyone who’s tested positive for COVID-19, has passed from it or knows someone who has. Take care of yourself and take one day at a time ❤

Take Care Everyone! xo

One Comment Add yours

  1. chandni33 says:

    Can you imagine this beta. All the words seems like one beautiful and calming ocean and I am floating on my back in it.Ahhhhhh.


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