I’m Back! Recap, Goals & Catching Up 🙂

I know I haven’t posted in a while – it’s always in the back of my mind. I got stuck in the grind of everyday life and have been realizing I still need to carve out time to do what I enjoy! *important lesson* As you also may know now, I am getting married! 🙂 So, planning the wedding and everything involved in it kind of took over. In the future I plan to do a wedding series full of helpful tips, planning strategies and other things that I’m doing while planning our wedding. Excited to do that! Hopefully, it helps other brides-to-be.

Speaking of brides-to-be, I absolutely loved our Engagement Shoot with Siga Gubista Photography in Las Vegas, NV. If you’re in Vegas looking for a good photographer we definitely recommend her! She as a photographer was very nice, passionate about her work, had a good sense of humor and a great eye for the best shots! We love how the photos came out and how she captured our special moments 🙂 Here are some of our favorites! ❤

So, due to the craziness and everything that has happened the second half of this year (2019 was very eventful!), some goals I had for myself had to be postponed a bit. Now, I’m making them my goals for next year – I’m reminding myself that it’s a good thing in a way because I will have more content for what I’m trying to do. Either way, I realize I need to get started on it as soon as I can because the further away me accomplishing my goal gets, the more unhappy I am that I haven’t tackled it yet! Do you ever feel that way about your goals?? Life has its own way of unfolding sometimes but we just gotta learn to maneuver around the unexpected and unplanned for events to achieve what we still want. So, yes – accomplishing certain goals may have been delayed, but I’m sure it happened for a reason and soon, when I’m working on those goals, I’ll understand why it did! Now I have yet another thing to look forward to next year! ** If you didn’t know … I get married next year! My older brother gets married next year! I become an aunt to a beautiful niece next year! I see my siblings and family who live outside the country next year! Along with many other exciting things – I accomplish some big goals next year! 🙂

See you guys soon in my next post! 

*Photography: https://sigagubista.com


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