I’m Engaged! (kinda late..got engaged 8/11/19 hehe..)

To check out our cute Engagement Video click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evb_qqchHBM

So this is definitely a bit overdue. It’s my 2 month anniversary of one of the most wonderful days in my life ❤ I got engaged on August 11th, 2019 to the man of my dreams! I’m so happy and thankful. Since then, I’ve had my surgery, gone through my recovery and had allot of time to plan for the wedding.

I’ll never forget how shocked I was when Tyee popped the big question (I’m sure neither will he since I paused for like 5 whole seconds in shock and didn’t answer him LOL). The day planned was oh so beautiful and special. A part of his plan fell through, but his plan b worked out just fine and the rest of the day was absolutely spectacular! I’m so grateful to my big brother and soon-to-be sister in law for being there to film, help and celebrate with us and to my siblings overseas, Raj and Ashley, for being involved even though they were so far away ❤

So, Tyee’s original plan was to wake up early and the four of us (Tyee, Romee, Kristen and myself) venture out to take a Hot Air Balloon ride!! I have never been on one and have always dreamed to someday. Tyee had ordered a 12 ft. x 8 ft. banner that read “Rashi, Will You Marry Me? Love, Tyee” (omggggg!!!! <3) He had planned to have the banner laid out so that I see it while we were up in the air in our Hot Air Balloon. 

Unfortunately, due to high winds the Hot Air Balloon company had to cancel. Poor Tyee was up 4 o’ clock in the morning trying to figure out a plan b. He ended up telling me that morning how there was going to be a slight change (I had no idea of anything so to me it really didn’t change anything in my mind haha) We ended up driving out to Mt. Charleston. It was such a gorgeous day. Mt. Charleston is also where we had planned to visit for an upcoming special staycation. I was excited to be there and enjoying our day. Then, in summary, we go to the top and my brother and Kristen work with Tyee to distract me so he can prepare lol. He proposes, I look over and they’re filming, I’m in shock, and then I’m in tears – of joy! Lol obviously I happily said yes, I later found out all his plans for the day and we all laughed about the funny little things that happened leading up to his proposal.

On Mt. Charleston!

After that, we all had brunch at my favorite French Restaurant, Oh La La’s, looked at the proposal recording over mimosas and great food and had a wonderful time together. That evening, Tyee and I checked into our suite at the Bellagio! We explored, watched the Bellagio fountain show, and had such a fabulous dinner with free champagne! 🙂 The next morning we had an awesome breakfast and Tyee’s favorite, Iced Vanilla Lattes together. I also had the most amazing crepe while there *drool* 🙂

Anyways, it was all like a dream ❤ a dream come true. I was on cloud 9 and still feel like it 🙂 What a wonderful, blessed day 8.11.19 is!

Tyee’s post on his social media 🙂
My Banner!

Our cute Engagement Video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evb_qqchHBM

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