Memories from Rajeev & Ashley’s Wedding ❤ #StephensShaadi2017

I recently came across some more beautiful photos of my younger brother’s wedding from a year and a half ago. It made me think about the whole process of putting the wedding together that year and the lessons I learned the day of his wedding. Looking back, here are a few thoughts, tips and lessons I learned.

A little about my brother and sister-in-law, Rajeev and Ashley have been together since they were 18 years old and got married at 25. We got to see them grow into who they are today. They desired to have a combination of both Indian and American cultures in a beautiful fusion wedding.


Planning this wedding was exciting and stressful (good stress) for almost the same reasons. Because it was my brother’s wedding, I had more emotion involved and cared very much that I help make the most magical wedding for the both of them. This was a great motivation that gave me the drive to make things happen for sure! But, it also caused me to stress or worry when certain things would not work out. At the end though, everything and everyone came together to create a beautiful day celebrating their union.

When it comes to “day-of stress,” something I definitely learned was: Live in the moment! Enjoy that day because it will go by faster than you think! It’s a special day so enjoy every moment as much as you can and stress less about an absolutely perfect execution – it’ll all work out if the bride and groom get married. And if things fall apart a little, hey at least ya got a story to tell later!

The wedding had a Christian ceremony and a Bollywood themed reception. It took place at the beautiful Hotel Sorrento in the city of Seattle overlooking the skyline that they both grew up looking at. For the ceremony, everyone was in their best formal wear, Military Blues, and Ashley was in her beautiful, white, A-line wedding dress. For the reception, the attire changed to colorful Indian bridal wear, sarees and lehengas, cool gold turbans, other ethnic wear and Raj wore his amazing burgundy/ivory groom’s sherwaani sent just for him from India.

From left to right: Leah (Bridesmaid), Me (Maid of Honor), Ashley (Bride), Kristen (Bridesmaid
Award-winning Bhangra Dance Team who were featured in Bollywood movies, Apna Bhangra Crew, performing at the reception and pumping up the crowd.

The night was full of emotional and loving memories, beautiful speeches by important people in their lives, great food, amazing performances and then dancing, photos and some of the funnest moments I’ve had!

Tip: Don’t get too drunk or drink throughout the day to the point you slur in your speech and can’t remember your speech after saying it.. 1) You want to remember these special moments in this day. 2) You don’t want to look stupid. 3) It ain’t cute, don’t do it.

Andy, Raj’s amazing Muay Thai coach, giving a heartwarming speech and looking like a stud! (He was not the drunk one)

It’s a great feeling you get when you see your family growing 🙂

The couple and the parents

As the night went on, everyone meshed together so well and there was nonstop fun and dancing. The Bhangra music was a hit with all it seemed. The reception playlist included everything from 70’s/80’s hits, to Bollywood jams, to gangsta rap (Ashley’s favorite). Everyone danced – even the shy ones and those we’d never expect. It was great!

Another hit of the night, Emiliano’s hair

We all know there can be drama at weddings – between people on the guest list, the two families, bridezillas, unplanned situations – but there are many ways to avoid the could-be drama. I suggest getting back up! Have a circle of people you trust back up you if things fall through, designate duties to them (ex: “your job is to watch that they don’t argue” .. “your job is to make sure they are on time or don’t goof off” .. “your job is to make sure they’re seated far from each other” etc), make it a group effort and communicate all concerns. This way it’s easier to tackle any obstacles and everyone can have a good time.

Stephens Shaadi 2017 – the night was a blast and the wedding was a success! We didn’t want it to end and some of us stayed up until the wee hours of the morning still riding the wave of fun and celebration. It was amazing ❤ And Rajeev and Ashley were married 🙂

* And here are some fun pictures from the photo shoot the day before! *

** There are so many more great photos with all of the wonderful people who attended. These were just a few glimpses 🙂

Professional Photography: Carino & Co.

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