7 Tips to Mastering Your Morning!

Want to start your day off right!? Check out how I master my morning! ❤

7 Tips to Mastering Your Morning!

  1. Wake Up Early.  To have a productive morning, first and foremost, you must wake up… in the morning! — haha. They say the most successful people wake up anywhere from 4:00 am to 6:00 am. You definitely get a certain sense of accomplishment when you’re able to watch the sunrise and you’re able to get tasks done before others are awake. One way I encourage myself to wake up earlier than I usually do is to have something you enjoy waiting for you or to have something you love to do as one of the first things to do in the morning. For example, I absolutely love drinking my favorite protein shake. I love the mornings where I start my day with it! Knowing I get to have my shake the mornings that I do, it gives me a little extra bit of excitement to wake up early that morning!
  2. Get Moving!  Movement. Movement is very important. It could be anything from going for a brisk morning walk, playing your favorite music and dancing around your room for 10 minutes, going for a run or working out for 20 minutes — whatever it is, our bodies were made to move! Aim for about 15/20 minutes at least. Once you get your blood flowing, heart pumping, and endorphins going, I promise you, you will not only be more awake and ready to take on the day, but you will start your day in a good mood!
  3. Focus Your Mind.  If you dedicate a portion of your morning to Meditation, Journaling, and Visualizing you can set a beautiful tone for your day ahead and calm your mind. These habits fight against anxiety and depression, attracts more positivity and opportunities to achieve your goals, and help you work towards a better, more balanced you — which leads to a healthy and more balanced lifestyle.
  4. Productivity.  Grab a notepad and a pen! (or your phone lol) … one is my favorite things to do — write your To Do List! Just one of the many lists I write, but one of the most important! This will keep your day organized, structured, and help you remember everything you need to accomplish in your day.
  5. Attitude of Gratitude. Taking a moment to write down 5 – 10 things (presently or in the past) that you’re grateful for is a wonderful way to highlight all the positive things in life.
  6. You Need Feul. Make sure to have a good, healthy breakfast in the morning. This will not only give you the fuel you need to conquer your day, but it will help your brain function!
  7. H2O! Drinking enough water is so beneficial and important for so many reasons! Better, healthier skin! Flushing out toxins! Losing weight! The list goes on and on! Get your water intake before your coffee, tea, smoothie etc. So pour yourself a big glass of water and drink up!

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